Presentation of Prof. Sava Dzhonev’s monograph “Cyberspace, Cyberculture, Cyberpsychology”
On 11 November 2024, a presentation of Prof. Sava Dzhonev’s monograph ‘Cyberspace, Cyberculture, Cyberpsychology’, organised by Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’, took place at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski’ and the Society of Psychologists in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The importance of cyberpsychology in addressing challenges and adapting to the modern world was presented by Prof. Dr. Sava Dzhonev, Head of the General Psychology Section of the Society of Psychologists.
Prof. Dr. Sonya Karabelyova, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University 'St. Kliment Ohridski' and Head of the Health and Consultative Psychology Section of the Society of Psychologists, Stoyu Nedin, Chairman of the Management Board of the Society of Psychologists and Prof. Dr. Snezhana Ilieva, Head of the Labour and Organizational Psychology Section of the Society of Psychologists welcomed and analysed the book and the issues related to the digital virtual reality.
Professor Djonev is the author of 19 books on psychology. He has taught ‘Sociology’ and ‘Psychology’ at Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ and is the author of the textbook ‘Social Psychology’, Volume I-V.
The book can be ordered at the following link:
--> HERE
The text implements an anticipatory approach to introduction, training and professional qualification – to fully master modern Cyberpsychology at the theoretical and practical level.
It also provides a rich and meaningful overview of topics for own research - thesis and scientific projects, as well as a demonstratively executed sample model of research for training purposes.
The next step is the establishment of Cyberpsychology as a university course. Prof. Djonev will offer full assistance in conducting training and introducing it as an educational discipline.
For now, you can order the book by email:
Tel.: 0877 00 77 12
(Please provide names, phone number, delivery address.)
Price 30.00 BGN with cash on delivery + postal delivery costs.
For information, advice, assistance and monograph:
Come every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
available at: Sofia-1606, 14 Lyulin Planina Str., ground floor
(between Macedonia Square and Russian Monument).
Prof. S. Djonev
Tel.: 0887 426 394
Dear Professor Dzhonev,
Let us express our sincere gratitude for your inspiring presentation of the book "Cyberspace, Cyberculture, Cyberpsychology".
With the depth of your research and the clarity of the exhibition, you have opened new horizons in our understanding of the modern digital world.
Your work is not only a valuable contribution to science, but also an invaluable reference for those seeking to understand the dynamics of cyber culture and its impact on the human psyche.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiration!
Children's Society Foundation
Emilia Kardzhilova