
Our Partners
Partnership with Lege Artis Publishing House
Партньорство с издателство Lege Artis
В превод латинският израз „Lege artis“ означава „По законите на изкуството“, или по-просто – „Както трябва“.
Издателството е създадено в края на 1999 г. от Саня Табакова, дългогодишен издател, редактор и преводач, и е базирано в град Плевен. То е ориентирано към хуманитарните области на психология, психоанализа, философия, художествена и авто/биографична проза, но провежда отворена издателска политика. Издава българска и преводна литература.
Нашите читатели имат възможност да поръчват книги от този сайт. За количества над 3бр. превдиждаме отстъпки. При поръчка на 3 книги - 10% отстъпка от цената на издателя; при поръчка на от 3 до 10 книги отстъпката е 15%; при поръчка над 10 книги получавате 20% отстъпки. За поръчки, моля пишете заглавие и количество на childrensocietybg@gmail, pnone 0888097039. Линк към наличните заглавия: ТУК
In translation, the Latin expression ‘Lege artis’ means ‘By the laws of art’, or more simply ‘As it should’.
The publishing house was established at the end of 1999 by Sanya Tabakova, a longtime publisher, editor and translator, and is based in the city of Pleven. It is oriented towards the humanitarian fields of psychology, psychoanalysis, philosophy, artistic and auto/biographical prose, but pursues an open publishing policy. It publishes Bulgarian and translated literature.
Our readers have the opportunity to order books from this site. For quantities over 50lv. we offer free shipping. There is a promotional discount (currently 15%). For quantities over 3pcs. we offer discounts. When ordering 3 books - 10% discount below the price of the publisher; When ordering from 3 to 10 books, the discount is 15%; If you order more than 10 books, you get 20% discount. For orders, please write a title and quantity to childrensocietybg@gmail, pnone 0888097039. Link to available books and titles: HERE

We are grateful to the organization "Data Protection Service" for donating a package of documents for compliance with the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) / May 2018.
Children's Society Foundation
At a General Assembly meeting on May 8, 2019, the Children's Society Foundation was recognized as a member of the Citizen Participation Forum Association.
The Citizen Participation Forum Association is a network of civic organizations whose mission is to increase citizen participation in the processes of making important political decisions at the local and national levels, as well as to improve the non-governmental sector's interaction with government officials. The mission of the CPFA is to bring civil society's efforts and resources together for focused and informed citizen participation in government decisions.
The Children's Society Foundation collaborates with the state, private groups, and municipalities to carry out its mission.
The Children's Society Foundation cooperates with the municipalities on the territory of which it will provide community services, municipal leaderships and Social Assistance Directorates, NGOs and state organizations from Bulgaria and abroad in fulfilling its mission and goal. The Children's Society Foundation will work with the Social Assistance Directorate - Child Protection Departments on the ground.
Featured donations
We express our sincere gratitude for the donation made by Data Protection Services, namely a package of documents to comply with the new Law on Personal Data Protection or GDPR / May 2018.
“We are happy to work with Children’s Society Foundation – Bulgaria on the book “Europe on the Internet”. We believe that “Europe on the Internet” will be useful for all citizens interested in European institutions and integration processes.” – Maria Gerganova and Georgy Philipov
Domain and hosting for two years had been provided by Mr. Ognian Mladenov, SEO. We are very thankfull for his generous support.